Now performing advanced bronchoscopies such as endobronchial ultrasound and robotic (ION) bronchoscopy for lung nodules

Home O2 Evaluation

Home O2 Evaluation

Our Home O2 Evaluation service at Hope Pulmonary Associates is designed for individuals on supplemental oxygen. We focus on effective oxygen therapy management for patients with chronic lung conditions, ensuring each patient receives personalized care.

Why some medical conditions require oxygen supplementation?

Some medical conditions lead to a drop in oxygen levels in the blood. These include certain heart and lung diseases. Occasionally, certain sleep disorders can also lead to a drop in blood oxygen levels. In that situation, oxygen supplementation is the only option to achieve optimal level of activity, sleep and overall well-being 

What are some types of oxygen prescriptions?

Continuous - between 16 and 24 hours per day 

With activity - optimal dosing determined by exercise pulse oximetry

Palliative- aimed at relief from terminal dyspnea and suffocation at the end of life

Nocturnal or sleep - only during sleep hours 

What are some of the common oxygen delivery devices?

Oxygen concentrator machine

Oxygen cylinder

Regulators and Conserving Devices 

Portable oxygen concentrators 

Are there any precautions needed with oxygen use?

Oxygen devices are a fire hazard and should be handled properly. Make sure you get device specific instructions from your durable medical equipment company and have their emergency contact number readily available. 

Smoking is strictly prohibited with the use of oxygen devices to avoid facial burns and death by asphyxiation.  


Also stay UpToDate with how to take routine care like cleanliness and safety measures regarding your device and what to do in case of power failure or natural disaster with oxygen use. 

Do I need periodic evaluation when using oxygen?

Yes, based on reasonable medical management principles and also per CMS guidelines, certification of medical necessity in needed every 12 months when using oxygen from the prescribing provider. 

Can I travel with oxygen?

Yes, with portable oxygen concentrators (POC), travel by land, sea and air is possible. Appropriate precautions need to be exercise and relevant authorities and carriers need to be informed to avoid last minute inconveniences. 

Book an appointment with us for a detailed evaluation and to learn how this vital intervention can play a pivotal role in your health management and overall quality of life. 

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