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Common Sleep Related Breathing Disorders

Common Sleep Related Breathing Disorders
Posted on January 18, 2024

Here at HOPE Pulmonary Associates, we have devoted our careers to understanding and treating sleep-related breathing disorders. These conditions, often overlooked, can significantly impact both sleep quality and overall health. In this detailed post, we aim to shed light on the most common breathing disorders encountered during sleep, exploring their symptoms, causes, and treatment options.

Understanding Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders

Sleep-related breathing disorders are a group of conditions that disrupt normal breathing patterns during sleep. These disorders can vary in severity but commonly result in reduced oxygen intake, leading to fragmented sleep and a range of health issues. Understanding these conditions is the first step towards effective management.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)

Obstructive Sleep Apnea is a condition where the airway becomes blocked, usually due to the relaxation of the throat muscles, leading to temporary pauses in breathing. This can occur numerous times throughout the night, leading to significant disruptions in sleep. Common symptoms include loud and persistent snoring, waking up gasping or choking, and excessive daytime fatigue. OSA is more than just a nuisance; it's a serious condition that, if left untreated, can lead to long-term health problems like cardiovascular disease, stroke, and hypertension.

Central Sleep Apnea (CSA)

Central Sleep Apnea is a less common form of sleep apnea that involves the central nervous system. Unlike OSA, CSA occurs when the brain fails to send proper signals to the muscles that control breathing. This results in periodic cessation of breathing during sleep. It’s often associated with other medical conditions, such as heart failure and can lead to symptoms like disrupted sleep, daytime fatigue, and in severe cases, heart complications.


Snoring is a widespread issue that many people don't take seriously. It occurs when air flows past relaxed tissues in your throat, causing them to vibrate. While snoring can be harmless for some, it can also be a symptom of a more severe condition, such as OSA. It’s important to differentiate between simple snoring and snoring that’s indicative of a sleep disorder.

Treatment Options for Breathing Disorders During Sleep

The treatment for sleep-related breathing disorders varies based on the severity and type of disorder. Lifestyle modifications, such as weight management, avoiding alcohol close to bedtime, and altering sleep positions, can significantly help in mild cases. For moderate to severe cases, we often recommend Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) therapy or oral appliances designed to keep the airway open. Surgical options are also considered for specific cases where anatomical issues are the root cause of the disorder.

The Importance of Professional Evaluation

Diagnosing and treating sleep-related breathing disorders requires a professional evaluation. As an experienced pulmonary and sleep physician, Dr. Najmuddin uses sleep studies, exercise pulse oximetry, and pulmonary function tests to accurately diagnose these conditions. A thorough evaluation is crucial in developing an effective and personalized treatment plan.


Recognizing and addressing sleep-related breathing disorders is key to improving both your sleep quality and overall health. If you or someone you know is struggling with symptoms of a breathing disorder during sleep, we encourage you to seek professional advice. At HOPE Pulmonary Associates, we are committed to providing comprehensive care and tailored treatment plans for sleep-related breathing disorders. For a consultation, please reach out at (469)546-3080 or [email protected]

Together, we can work towards achieving restful sleep and a healthier life.

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